
The only way to deal with depression is to take the first step by reaching out to someone for help.

Depression can affect many people at different times in their lives. While sometimes depression is brought on by circumstances, it can often be an underlying sense that seems to stay with you no matter life’s situations.

While some people may try to deal with depression on their own, the main problem with depression is that it can take away the desire to reach out to get help. So isolating yourself often results with the depression hanging around. Rather than letting depression keep you bogged down, contact me for a free phone consultation to see if therapy would be the right fit for you.


Also check out these helpful links that might give you ideas on how to help someone you know who deals with depression.

NAMI – this is a great website with information and links to all kinds of resources for depression.

Depression comes in all forms and feeling depressed after having a baby is more common than you think. provides great resources and can connect you with a local group dealing with postpartum depression.